11a Edició - Codi 24312280

Array ( [CODIGO] => 24312280 [EDICION] => 11 [SITUACION] => Aprobado [SITUACION_BIS] => Suspendido [MATRICULA] => 750 [MATRICULA_2] => 0 [MATRICULA_3] => 0 [HORAS] => 15.00 [FECHA_INICIO] => 21/11/24 [FECHA_FIN] => 03/07/25 [LUGAR] => Virtual classroom [NOMBRE_EMPRESA_ORGANIZADOR] => Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya [FECHA_FIN_PREINSCRIPCION] => 07/11/24 [AREA] => 3 [NOMBRE_EMPRESA_PATROCINADO] => [NOMBRE_EMPRESA_COLABORADOR] => [OBSERVACIONES_PREINSCRIPCION] => [TIPO_DOCENCIA] => A distancia [TIPO_DOCENCIA_1] => 3 [TIPO_DOCENCIA_2] => On-line [AULA_VIRTUAL_ADEIT] => 0 [TIPO_CURSO] => Postgrado [TIPO_CURSO_1] => Título Propio de Pos [DIRECCION_URL] => [AÑO_CURSO] => 36 [URL_VIDEO] => [URL_FACEBOOK] => [URL_TWITTER] => [META_TITLE] => [META_DESCRIPTION] => [META_KEYWORDS] => [DIRECCION_CURSO_CORTO] => ingles-juridico-internacional [GESTOR_NOMBRE] => María [GESTOR_APELLIDOS] => Palau Montoro [GESTOR_EMAIL] => maria.palau@fundacions.uv.es [ADMINISTRATIVO_NOMBRE] => Charo [ADMINISTRATIVO_APELLIDOS] => Vázquez Santos [ADMINISTRATIVO_EMAIL] => charo.vazquez@fundacions.uv.es [ES_INTERNO] => 1 [EMAIL_EXTERNO] => informacion@adeituv.es [PREINSCRIPCION_WEB] => 0 [URL_AULA_VIRTUAL] => [OFERTADO_OTRO] => 0 [ID_CURSO_OFERTADO] => 0 [DESCRIPCION_OFERTADO] => [TELEFONO_EXTERNO] => 96 160 3000 [MATRICULA_PDTE_APROBACION] => 0 [ID_IDIOMA] => 25 [PUBLICAR_WEB] => 1 [area_curs] => Àrea d´Humanitats [NOMBRE_CURSO] => University Expert in International Legal English (ILEX) [TITULACION] => Expert Universitari [HORARIO] => [REQUISITOS_TITULACION] => [REQUISITOS_OTROS] => [ARG_VENTA] => [ARG_VENTA2] => [AÑO_CURSO_DESC] => Curs 2024/2025 [MODALIDAD_EVALUACION] => [MODALIDAD_EVALUACION2] => [OBSERVACION_MATRICULA_1] => [OBSERVACION_MATRICULA_2] => [OBSERVACION_MATRICULA_3] => [SALIDA_PROFESIONAL] => [CRITERIO_ADMISION] => [CRITERIO_ADMISION2] => [CRITERIO_ADMISION3] => [FORMACION_APRENDIZAJE] => [FORMACION_APRENDIZAJE2] => [FORMACION_APRENDIZAJE3] => [ANO_CURSO_DESC] => Curs 2024/2025 [programa] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [CODIGO_CURSO] => 24312280 [AÑO_CURSO] => 36 [CODIGO] => 4 [NOMBRE_MATERIA] => [NOMBRE_MATERIA_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION] => programa || programa2 || programa3 [DESCRIPCION1] => Unit 1: Introduction to legal systems and legal practice in the Anglo-Saxon world. Regulatory systems, jurisdictional bodies, areas of legal practice, inquisitorial vs. adversarial systems, etc. Writing of a summary of the content of a piece of legislation. Description of the structure and operation of an international law firm. Week 1 Unit 2: Commercial Law. Legal requirements for the formation and management of a company in the English-speaking world. Writing techniques for a letter of legal advice in English. English terminology of business management; use of auxiliary modal verbs in legal English. Week 2 Unit 3: The capitalization of a company. Shareholders and supervisory bodies. Writing techniques for summary of legislation in English. Paraphrase and oral expression of opinions. Expression of the comparison and contrast of information in English. `Placements¿ grammar verb + name. Week 3 Unit 4: Corporate changes. Mergers, spin-offs, winding-up, etc. Convening an AGM; meetings¿ agendas and minutes. Shareholder rights. How to explain in English the legal aspects of an acquisition and a merger of companies? Formulas for starting and closing letters, emails and reports. How to present orally a case of a merger of companies. Week 4. * Weeks 5 & 6: Revision, final test and feedback. [DESCRIPCION2] => [DESCRIPCION3] => [DESCRIPCION1_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION2_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION3_VAL] => [ORDEN] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [CODIGO_CURSO] => 24312280 [AÑO_CURSO] => 36 [CODIGO] => 1 [NOMBRE_MATERIA] => [NOMBRE_MATERIA_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION] => programa || programa2 || programa3 [DESCRIPCION1] => Unit 1: Introduction to contract formation. Negotiation techniques. How to write an informative memorandum in English. How to use different contract models. How to emphasise in English. Expressions of negotiation. Week 7 Unit 2: Types of breach of contract; remedies; damages; English writing of follow-up correspondence with a client; interview techniques (review of the WASP strategy in lawyer- client interviews). Terminology of damages. Use of repetition as an English language resource. Week 8 Unit 3: Assignments and third-party rights. Interpretation of contractual clauses. Argumentation techniques and preparation of closing arguments in English. The suffixes `-¿or¿ and `-¿ee¿ and the structures `verb + -¿ ing¿. Oral and written persuasion techniques in English. Week 9 Unit 4: Labor Law in English-speaking countries. Types of discrimination. Types of dismissal. Liability risks. Writing emails with explanations about advantages and disadvantages, expressions of agreement and disagreement, etc. `-¿ing¿ participles. Week 10 * Weeks 11-12: Revision units 1-4, final test and feedback. [DESCRIPCION2] => [DESCRIPCION3] => [DESCRIPCION1_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION2_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION3_VAL] => [ORDEN] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [CODIGO_CURSO] => 24312280 [AÑO_CURSO] => 36 [CODIGO] => 5 [NOMBRE_MATERIA] => [NOMBRE_MATERIA_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION] => programa || programa2 || programa3 [DESCRIPCION1] => Unit 1: Fundamentals of sales legislation. Drafting of sales contract clauses in English. Terms and conditions of sale in English. Retention of title. How to make an oral presentation in English: structure and transitions. Writing and presenting a case brief. Week 13. Unit 2: Real estate property law in the United Kingdom and the USA. Lease and rental agreements. Home sale contracts. Easements. Terminology on parties and documents. Oral presentation techniques. A reference email. Week 14 Unit 3: Intellectual property law. Legislation on trademarks and patents. Training junior lawyers. Paraphrasing techniques in English and useful structures for debates in English. Speech markers and opening formulas in English. Week 15 * Weeks 16 and 17: Revision, final test and feedback. [DESCRIPCION2] => [DESCRIPCION3] => [DESCRIPCION1_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION2_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION3_VAL] => [ORDEN] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [CODIGO_CURSO] => 24312280 [AÑO_CURSO] => 36 [CODIGO] => 2 [NOMBRE_MATERIA] => [NOMBRE_MATERIA_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION] => programa || programa2 || programa3 [DESCRIPCION1] => Unit 1: Negotiable instruments. Promissory notes. Bills of exchange. Regulations on electronic negotiable instruments (negotiation, endorsement, etc.) Expression of opinion and legal advice in English. How to suggest and recommend a legal option to a client. Week 18. Unit 2: Legislation governing secured transactions in the United Kingdom and the USA. Warranty agreements: review of applicable legislation. Writing corporate emails (style codes) in English: Request and offer of information. How to write a polite refusal. Adverb - verb placements; English formulation of comparison and contrast. Week 19. Unit 3: Creditors and debtors: remedies in case of default and insolvency. Job opportunities in the field of insolvency. Terminology on embargo types. Cover letters, thank you notes and job interviews. Week 20 * Weeks 21 & 22: Revision, final test and feedback. TOLES practice test. [DESCRIPCION2] => [DESCRIPCION3] => [DESCRIPCION1_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION2_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION3_VAL] => [ORDEN] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [CODIGO_CURSO] => 24312280 [AÑO_CURSO] => 36 [CODIGO] => 3 [NOMBRE_MATERIA] => [NOMBRE_MATERIA_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION] => programa || programa2 || programa3 [DESCRIPCION1] => Unit 1: Competition Law/Anti-trust law. Anti-competitive activities and anti-trust measures. Cartels. Merger regulation. Writing informative emails in English. The use of passive constructions. Giving opinions on competition-law cases. Warning customers about risks. Week 23 Unit 2: Transnational Commercial Law. Conflict of laws in private international law. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR). International arbitration. Short presentations in English about positions on cross-border disputes. Planning the contents and structure of a letter. Terminology and textual cohesion. Week 24 *Weeks 25-26: Revision, final test units 1 and 2, and feedback . **Weeks 27-29: TOLES Practice tests (Toles higher and Toles advanced). ***Week 30: make-up tests (second call; subjects 1-5) [DESCRIPCION2] => [DESCRIPCION3] => [DESCRIPCION1_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION2_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION3_VAL] => [ORDEN] => 5 ) ) [professors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [DNI] => uni47064 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Rosa [APELLIDOS] => Giménez Moreno [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Profesor/a Titular de Universidad [NPI] => H2377 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => gimenez@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [1] => Array ( [DNI] => uni45643 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Terriann [APELLIDOS] => Jeffrey Bourne [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Profesor/a Asociado de Universidad [NPI] => M5060 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => jefte@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [2] => Array ( [DNI] => uni19302 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Miguel [APELLIDOS] => Martínez López [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Catedrático/a de Universidad [NPI] => H1468 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => mimarlo2@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [3] => Array ( [DNI] => uni35743 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => María de los Ángeles [APELLIDOS] => Orts Llopis [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Catedrático/a de Universidad. Universidad de Murcia [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) ) [direccio] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [DNI] => uni19302 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Miguel [APELLIDOS] => Martínez López [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Catedrático/a de Universidad [NPI] => H1468 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => mimarlo2@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) ) ) )


Unidad: 1
Unidad: 2
Unidad: 3
Unidad: 4
Unidad: 5

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Delegat de Protecció de Dades: D. Javier Plaza Penadés lopd@uv.es
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