1.ª Edición - Código 24731180

Array ( [CODIGO] => 24731180 [EDICION] => 1 [SITUACION] => Aprobado [SITUACION_BIS] => Pendiente [MATRICULA] => 6000 [MATRICULA_2] => 0 [MATRICULA_3] => 0 [HORAS] => 60.00 [FECHA_INICIO] => 16/09/24 [FECHA_FIN] => 30/06/25 [LUGAR] => Online Theory + Face-to-Face Clinical Practice [NOMBRE_EMPRESA_ORGANIZADOR] => Departament d'Estomatologia [FECHA_FIN_PREINSCRIPCION] => 02/09/24 [AREA] => 7 [NOMBRE_EMPRESA_PATROCINADO] => [NOMBRE_EMPRESA_COLABORADOR] => [OBSERVACIONES_PREINSCRIPCION] => [TIPO_DOCENCIA] => Presencial [TIPO_DOCENCIA_1] => 2 [TIPO_DOCENCIA_2] => Semipresencial [AULA_VIRTUAL_ADEIT] => 1 [TIPO_CURSO] => Postgrado [TIPO_CURSO_1] => Título Propio de Pos [DIRECCION_URL] => https://www.uv.es/fundacion-lluis-alcanyis/es/formacion/portal-formacion/portal-formacion.html [AÑO_CURSO] => 36 [URL_VIDEO] => [URL_FACEBOOK] => [URL_TWITTER] => [META_TITLE] => [META_DESCRIPTION] => [META_KEYWORDS] => [DIRECCION_CURSO_CORTO] => implantolog-oral-sugery [GESTOR_NOMBRE] => [GESTOR_APELLIDOS] => [GESTOR_EMAIL] => formacion.adeit@uv.es [ADMINISTRATIVO_NOMBRE] => [ADMINISTRATIVO_APELLIDOS] => [ADMINISTRATIVO_EMAIL] => formacion.adeit@uv.es [ES_INTERNO] => 1 [EMAIL_EXTERNO] => formaciofla@uv.es [PREINSCRIPCION_WEB] => 0 [URL_AULA_VIRTUAL] => [OFERTADO_OTRO] => 1 [ID_CURSO_OFERTADO] => 1 [DESCRIPCION_OFERTADO] => Fundació Lluís Alcanyís [TELEFONO_EXTERNO] => 963 395 037 [MATRICULA_PDTE_APROBACION] => 0 [ID_IDIOMA] => 25 [PUBLICAR_WEB] => 1 [area_curs] => Área de Salud [NOMBRE_CURSO] => International Blended Master's' Degree in Implantology and Oral Surgery [TITULACION] => Máster de Formación Permanente [HORARIO] => Free choice of the student [REQUISITOS_TITULACION] => The master's degree is aimed at doctors or dentists interested in obtaining specialised training in implantology and oral surgery. The student will receive the title of Master of Continuing Education in Implantology and Oral Surgery from the University of Valencia, guaranteeing advanced training aimed at specialisation and, above all, in the professional field. The qualification awarded by the University of Valencia meets the requirements commonly demanded by job exchanges, competitive examinations and professional career assessment committees. *Admitted students who undertake clinical practice must be covered by Professional Civil Liability Insurance for the duration of the degree. [REQUISITOS_OTROS] => [ARG_VENTA] => The main objective of this Master's Degree is to train specialists in Oral Surgery and Implantology, guided by scientific evidence. Therefore, as part of their postgraduate training, students will learn to consult and critically evaluate the scientific literature. The theoretical-practical content totals 60 ECTS credits. Students will receive online theoretical-practical training and will participate in face-to-face clinical activity with patients at the University or at an internship centre with an agreement with the University. The student will request the practice centre from those proposed by the University or will designate one of their own choice from any country. They will plan and carry out progressively more complex cases throughout the Master's programme, with partial dedication and tailored to the student's needs. Specific objectives: Students taking this degree will develop in the subject of Oral Surgery: the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to perform surgical extractions, fenestrations, periapical surgery, soft tissue surgery, knowledge of the surgical treatment of infections, cysts and tumours. In the subject of Implantology, students will develop the necessary knowledge to place dental implants, as well as to rehabilitate partially or totally edentulous cases with prostheses on dental implants or which may require bone grafts or gum grafts. Los contenidos teórico-prácticos son en total 60 créditos ECTS. La Cirugía e Implantología Oral, son unas disciplinas complejas que exigen estudio y dedicación, durante años. A lo largo del curso, los alumnos recibirán formación teórica-práctica online y participarán de la actividad clínica presencial con pacientes en un centro de prácticas externo a la Universitat. El alumno solicitará el centro de prácticas de los propuestos por la Universitat o designará uno de libre elección de cualquier país. Planificarán y realizarán casos progresivamente más complejos a lo largo de la programación del Máste [ARG_VENTA2] => r, con una dedicación parcial y a medida del alumno. Professional objectives The professional opportunities are fundamentally aimed at the clinical care field. The course is aimed at improving the theoretical and practical training of students. So that they are able to carry out implantology and oral surgery treatments with the minimum morbidity and the highest success rate.¿This professional profile of a dentist with special dedication to implantology and oral surgery is in great demand in the dental sector, and is present in practically all dental clinics, as nowadays with the great growth of information in dentistry it is impossible to cover all branches of knowledge. [AÑO_CURSO_DESC] => Curso 2024/2025 [MODALIDAD_EVALUACION] => This training programme offers a different way of learning. Our methodology is developed through a cyclical way of learning: Relearning.¿This learning process combines real cases, the resolution of complex situations by simulation, the study of clinical cases and learning based on repetition. As a result, the content is retained in the memory for a longer period of time. During the first part of the course, the student's activity will be focused on learning the indication and execution of oral surgery procedures (simple and complex dental extractions: third molars and included canines, root rests; braces, torus, maxillary cysts, periapical surgery, etc.). In the second part of the course, the activity will focus on diagnosis, planning, implant placement and rehabilitation of implant cases. The student will begin by understanding the treatment of simple cases of single implants and will progress towards more complex treatments (total edentulous, aesthetic implants, immediate implants, atrophic cases requiring gum or bone grafts, sinus lift, immediate loading, etc.). In order to achieve the objectives set, the methodology used is based on the use of the Virtual Classroom of the University of Valencia, theoretical lessons and practical workshops, clinical cases, bibliographic resources and face-to-face clinical practice. Teaching resources: The teaching will be carried out through the Virtual Classroom platform of the University of Valencia, available to the student, at any time, from a fixed or portable device with internet connection. Each week the different modules are opened and remain open throughout the academic year. Voice-over lessons The theoretical lessons will be developed through asynchronous, voice-over clinical presentations, with abundant and selected clinical iconography and diagnostic images. The texts will be available in pdf format to facilitate the student's study. All lectures will be in English and some will be in Spanish. Practical worksho [MODALIDAD_EVALUACION2] => ps Practical workshops will be given with phantom models, which will reproduce the different pathologies and will guide the student through the surgical procedures. All workshops will be conducted in English and some will have texts in Spanish. Clinical cases Students will have access to real clinical cases, presented by experts, in which they will learn how to take a clinical history, make a clinical and differential diagnosis, and plan and carry out treatment. Bibliographic resources - Books and e-pubs published by teachers. - Access to scientific databases. Clinical practicals Optional extracurricular clinical practicals with patients will be programmed in practice centres agreed with the Universitat de València, for three weeks during the academic year, organised by each of the affiliated centres or in centres freely designated by the student, in different countries, for a maximum of 900 hours per academic year. When the lecturers consider that they are qualified, the students will perform the surgeries from less to more complex depending on the skills of each student. [OBSERVACION_MATRICULA_1] => [OBSERVACION_MATRICULA_2] => [OBSERVACION_MATRICULA_3] => [SALIDA_PROFESIONAL] => The professional opportunities are mainly aimed at the clinical care field. Students who complete the SEMIPRESENTIAL INTERNATIONAL MASTER'S DEGREE IN IMPLANTOLOGY AND ORAL SURGERY are trained to diagnose and develop the best treatment plan for the different oral pathologies that require surgical attention in a dental office. They are also able to diagnose, plan and carry out the functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of patients who have lost teeth using dental implants and bone and soft tissue regeneration procedures if necessary. This professional profile is in great demand in the dental sector, and is present in practically all dental clinics. For some students, this Master's degree can also be the start of an academic and/or research career. [CRITERIO_ADMISION] => In order of pre-registration. [CRITERIO_ADMISION2] => [CRITERIO_ADMISION3] => [FORMACION_APRENDIZAJE] => The dentist specialising in Oral Surgery is a professional trained to diagnose and develop the best treatment plan for the different oral pathologies that require surgical care in a dental office. The specialist in implantology is trained to diagnose, plan and carry out the functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of patients who have lost teeth using dental implants and bone and soft tissue regeneration procedures if necessary. [FORMACION_APRENDIZAJE2] => [FORMACION_APRENDIZAJE3] => [ANO_CURSO_DESC] => Curso 2024/2025 [programa] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [CODIGO_CURSO] => 24731180 [AÑO_CURSO] => 36 [CODIGO] => 1 [NOMBRE_MATERIA] => Oral Surgery [NOMBRE_MATERIA_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION] => programa || programa2 || programa3 [DESCRIPCION1] => Module 1. Introduction to Oral Surgery. Radiology. Instruments and equipment. Surgical act. Unit 1.1.- Introduction to Oral Surgery. - Clinical history and complementary tests Parts I and II. - Documentation and informed consents. - Sterility and surgical field set-up. - Sterility and set-up of the surgical field Unit 1.2.- Radiology - Radiology in oral surgery: periapical radiographs, orthopantomography and cone beam computed tomography. PART 1 - Radiology in oral surgery: periapical radiographies, orthopantomography and cone beam computed tomography. PART 2 - Radiological diagnosis in oral surgery. - Radiology in oral surgery: periapical radiographs, orthopantomography and cone beam computed tomography. - Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) Unit 1.3.- Surgical procedure - Instruments - Pre-operative phase - Operative phase - Post-operative phase Module 2. Anatomy in Oral Surgery Unit 2.1.- Presentation - The oral cavity and adjacent anatomical regions Unit 2.2.- Osteology of the facial massif - Facial massif, upper jawbone Unit 2.3.- Lower jaw - Study of the face, carotid gland. Facial nerve - Facial artery. - TMJ superficial and intermediate plane. - Deep plane TMJ and infratemporal fossa. - Submandibular region - Submental region - Floor of the mouth and tongue Unit 2.4.- Upper jaw - Upper maxilla (maxillary sinus) - Orbital fossa - Nasal fossa, ethmoid bone, turbinates Module 3. Locoregional anaesthesia and conscious sedation. Unit 3.1.- Loco-regional anaesthesia - Presentation - Introduction to anaesthesia. Pain from oral tissues - Nerve conduction block. - Anaesthetic equipment. General recommendations - Primary anaesthetic techniques in dentistry. - Secondary anaesthetic techniques in anaesthesia - Local anaesthesia complications in dentistry - General complications after dental anaesthesia Unit 3.2.- Conscious sedation - Intravenous conscious sedation Justification of sedation Levels of sedation Patient assessment Monitoring and b [DESCRIPCION2] => asic components Pharmacology of sedation Recovery and discharge criteria - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Defibrillation Airway management in a dental clinic Airway obstruction - Emergencies and airway maintenance in the dental surgery Preliminary considerations Most common medical emergencies: vagal reaction and allergic reaction Other medical emergencies Module 4. Complex exodontia. Complications Unit 4.1.- Exodontics - Basic principles of extractions - Exodontia of maxillary permanent teeth Unit 4.2.2. Complex extractions - Complex extractions: open surgical extraction Unit 4.3.- Complications of extractions - Complications of exodontia Module 5. Treatment of dental inclusions Unit 5.1.- Included teeth generalities. Wisdom teeth. - Included teeth. Generalities - Tooth retention. - Pathology of the third molar. - Therapeutic approach - Complications and therapeutic guidelines Unit 5.2.- Included canines - Canine teeth: exodontia - Canines: Surgical-orthodontic treatment - Ortho-perio approach to treat included canines. Diagnosis, procedure, clinical cases. Unit 5.3.- Other inclusions. Transplants - Other included teeth. - Supranumerary teeth. - Tooth transplants. Module 6. Exodontic complications of impacted teeth. Orthodontics and oral and maxillofacial surgery. Unit 6.1.- Complications in the extraction of impacted teeth. Infectious and nervous complications of the extraction of included teeth. - Other complications of the extraction of included teeth. Unit 6.2.- Orthodontics and oral and maxillofacial surgery. - Buccal braces - Orthodontic-surgical treatment of teeth 1 and 2. - Orthognathic surgery Module 7. Pre-prosthetic surgery. Biopsies. Braces Unit 7.1.- Pre-prosthetic surgery. Unit 7.2.- Biopsies. Unit 7.3.- Braces. Unit 7.4.- Facial aesthetic fillings. Module 8. Periapical surgery Unit 8.1.- Diagnosis in periapical surgery. - Introduction to periapical surgery. - Reendodontics or periapica [DESCRIPCION3] => l surgery? Criteria for healing in PC. - Indications for periapical surgery - Contraindications for periapical surgery. - Clinical and radiological diagnosis in periapical surgery - Intraoperative diagnosis: importance of magnification - Pathology of odontogenic cystic lesions - Orthograde" endodontics for periapical lesions Unit 8.2.- Treatment in periapical surgery - Surgical technique: instruments. Anaesthesia - Incision or flap design. - Elevation and separation of the flap - Ostectomy and debridement of the lesion - Apicoectomy - Preparation of the retrograde cavity - Control of bleeding - Retrograde obturation - Regeneration of the defect - Suture. Postoperative treatment - Clinical cases of periapical surgery. Part II Module 9. Diagnosis and treatment of odontogenic infections of bacterial origin Unit 9.1.- Odontogenic infection generalities - Concept, aetiopathogenesis and diagnosis of odontogenic infection - Evolution and clinical pictures of odontogenic infection: periapical periodontitis - Progression and dissemination of odontogenic infection - Evolution and clinical pictures of odontogenic infection: abscesses and cellulitis - Periapical pathology of dental implants Unit 9.2.- Odontogenic infection particularities - Maxillary sinusitis of odontological origin - Treatment of orosinusal communications - Complications of odontogenic infection - Treatment of odontogenic infection - Prophylactic antibiotics - Salivary gland infections - Osteonecrosis Module 10. Maxillary cysts Unit 10.1.- Classification of maxillary cysts - Odontogenic cysts of inflammatory origin - Odontogenic and non-odontogenic developmental cysts Unit 10.2.- Cystic pathology - Differential diagnosis of radiolucent lesions of the jaws - Treatment of jaw cysts Module 11. Tumour pathology Unit 11.1.- Maxillary tumours - Tumoural pathology of the jaws Unit 11.2.- Odontogenic tumours - Odontogenic tumours Unit 11.3.- Tumours of the salivary glands - Tumours of the salivary glan [DESCRIPCION1_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION2_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION3_VAL] => [ORDEN] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [CODIGO_CURSO] => 24731180 [AÑO_CURSO] => 36 [CODIGO] => 2 [NOMBRE_MATERIA] => Oral implantology [NOMBRE_MATERIA_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION] => programa || programa2 || programa3 [DESCRIPCION1] => GENERAL IMPLANTOLOGY "Module 1. Diagnosis and Planning in Implantology General concepts and history of implantology. Topic 1.1.2. Indications and contraindications Topic 1.1.3. Diagnostics in implantology "Module 2. Anatomy and radiology in Implantology Topic 2.1.1. Anatomy and radiology applied to implant surgery Radiographic diagnosis in implantology. "Module 3. Tissue integration and implant system design. Peri-implant bone loss Tissue integration of implants. Implant macro- and micro-design. Tissue integration of implants. Implant macro- and micro-design Part 2. "Module 4. Histology in implantology. Implant surfaces connections: the way to the future. "Module 5. Basic surgical protocol in implantology. Topic 5.1.1. Basic surgical protocol in implantology. "Module 6. Surgical management of soft tissues. Topic 6.1.1. Soft tissues Part 1. Topic 6.1.2. Soft tissues Part 2. " Module 7. Prosthesis on implants. Unit 7.1. Diagnosis and planning in total and partial edentulous. Types of implant prostheses Unit 7.2. Biomechanics and occlusion Unit 7.3. Selection of abutments in Implantoprosthetics Unit 7.4. Workshop on selection and management of angled abutments Unit 7.5. Analogue impressions Unit 7.6. Workshop on analogue impressions in partial edentulous patients Unit 7.7. Implant-supported partial denture Unit 7.8. Implant-supported full arch prosthesis Unit 7.9. Overdentures Unit 7.10. New materials in implant-supported prosthodontics Unit 7.11. Soft Tissue Management with Implant-Supported Provisionals Unit 7.12. Provisional fabrication workshop and hinds technique Unit 7.13. Introduction to digital flow and digital impressions Unit 7.14. BOPT on Implants Unit 7.15. Immediate loading in the totally edentulous "Module 8. Introduction to bone regeneration. Topic 8.1.1. Introduction to bone regeneration. "Module 9. Bone regeneration materials. Topic 9.1.1. Bone regeneration materials. " Module 10. Maxillary sinus lift. Topic 10.1.1. Maxillary sinus lift. [DESCRIPCION2] => "Module 11. Implants in the maxillary buttresses and residual bone. Treatment of the atrophic edentulous patient. Classes IV, V and VI Topic 11.1.1. Zygomatic implants. "Module 12. Implants in the aesthetic sector. Unit 12.1. Anatomy and biology of the post-extraction alveolus. Unit 12.2. Workflow in implantology in the aesthetic sector Unit 12.3. Unit 12.3. Three-dimensional implant position Unit 12.4. Implant placement moment Unit 12.5. ROG in the aesthetic sector Unit 12.6. Provisionalisation and impressions "Introduction to guided surgery. Anatomy and biology of the post-extraction socket. "Module 14. Early complications in implantology. Topic 14.1.1. Early complications in implantology. "Module 15. Maintenance of implant treatment. Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases. Anatomy and biology of the post-extraction alveolus. Workshop on the treatment of peri-implantitis. "Module 16. Implantology in older patients. Topic 16.1.1. Implantology in elderly patients. ADVANCED IMPLANTOLOGY "Module 17.- Implantoprosthetics Implant-prosthetic abutment and retention screw " Module 18.- Guided Surgery Unit 18.1. Guided surgery Topic 18.1.1. Guided surgery - generalities Unit 18.1.2. Guided surgery - single tooth edentulousness Section 18.1.3. Guided Surgery in Partial Edentulism Guided Surgery - Computer Guided Treatments - Total Edentulism - Overdenture Unit 18.2. Navigated Surgery Topic 18.2.1. Navigated Surgery - Concepts Unit 18.2.2. Navigated Surgery - units Topic 18.2.3. Navigated Surgery - Partial Edentulousness Unit 18.3. Double factor Double factor technique. Guided and Navigated Fusion "Aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of peri-implant diseases. Atraumatic sinus lift: Summers 2.0. New therapeutic alternatives in the management of patients with medication-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw Topic 19.1.3. Peri-implant diseases (epi) Bone regeneration by means of xenograft blocks, simplifying the technique Topic 19.1.5. Preventing margin [DESCRIPCION3] => al peri-implant bone loss "Module 20.- Alveolar Distraction Topic 20.1.1. Alveolar Distraction "Module 21.- All on four Guided surgery - computer guided treatments - total edentulism - all on four- all on six Topic 21.1.2. All on four [DESCRIPCION1_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION2_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION3_VAL] => [ORDEN] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [CODIGO_CURSO] => 24731180 [AÑO_CURSO] => 36 [CODIGO] => 3 [NOMBRE_MATERIA] => Master's Thesis [NOMBRE_MATERIA_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION] => programa || programa2 || programa3 [DESCRIPCION1] => - Cover Letter - Portfolio - Curriculum Vitae [DESCRIPCION2] => [DESCRIPCION3] => [DESCRIPCION1_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION2_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION3_VAL] => [ORDEN] => 3 ) ) [professors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [DNI] => uni79385 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Rubén [APELLIDOS] => Agustín Panadero [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Profesor/a Titular de Universidad [NPI] => M1621 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => aparu@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [1] => Array ( [DNI] => emp367775 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Ricardo [APELLIDOS] => Aiuto [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Odontólogo. Istituto Stomatologico. Italia. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [2] => Array ( [DNI] => uni46132 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => María Amparo [APELLIDOS] => Aloy Prósper [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Profesor/a Asociado de Universidad [NPI] => M3025 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => aprosam@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [3] => Array ( [DNI] => uni66419 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Josep [APELLIDOS] => Arnabat Domínguez [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor Asociado de Anestesia Odontológica y de Cirugía Bucal ,Máster Propio Internacional en Cirugía Oral e Implantologia. Universitat de Barcelona [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [4] => Array ( [DNI] => uni66350 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Carlos [APELLIDOS] => Ayala Paz [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [5] => Array ( [DNI] => uni67606 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Cristina [APELLIDOS] => Bonet Coloma [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor/a. Universidad Cardenal Herrera - CEU [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [6] => Array ( [DNI] => emp137757 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Danielle [APELLIDOS] => Botticelli [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Degree in Medicine and Surgery. Fellow researcher at the Department of Periodontology, University of Göteborg (Sweden). Scientific Director of Ariminum Research & Dental Education Center Rimini. Italy. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [7] => Array ( [DNI] => emp42045 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => María Teresa [APELLIDOS] => Bovaira Forner [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Licenciada en Medicina y Cirugía. Especialista en Anestesióloga, Reanimación y Terapia del Dolor. Jefe Clínico Servicio de Anestesiología. Responsable de la Unidad de Dolor del Hospital Intermutual de Levante. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [8] => Array ( [DNI] => uni57143 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Paula [APELLIDOS] => Bovaira Forner [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Catedrático/a de Universidad [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [9] => Array ( [DNI] => emp165957 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Guillermo [APELLIDOS] => Cabanes Gumbau [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [10] => Array ( [DNI] => uni44348 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Fabio [APELLIDOS] => Camacho Alonso [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Doctor en Odontología. Máster de Cirugía e Implantología Bucal. Profesor Titular de Estomatología. Secretario de Departamento de Estomatología. Universidad de Murcia. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [11] => Array ( [DNI] => emp53731 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Luigi [APELLIDOS] => Canullo [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Dottore in Medicina e Chirurgia. Corsi post-laurea negli USA e diploma post-laura in Germania. Practice private. Roma. Italy. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [12] => Array ( [DNI] => uni64023 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Pablo [APELLIDOS] => Domínguez Cardoso [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor/a Asociado de Universidad. Universidad de Sevilla [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [13] => Array ( [DNI] => uni66370 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Asier [APELLIDOS] => Eguia del Valle [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor/a Asociado de Universidad. Universitat Politècnica de València [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [14] => Array ( [DNI] => uni66353 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Antoni [APELLIDOS] => España Tost [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor asociado de Anestesia Odontológica y de Cirugía Bucal [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [15] => Array ( [DNI] => emp178697 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Alberto [APELLIDOS] => Fernández ayora [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Periodoncista. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [16] => Array ( [DNI] => uni67615 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Rui [APELLIDOS] => Figueredo [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor/a. Universitat de Barcelona [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [17] => Array ( [DNI] => emp49648 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Antonio Juan [APELLIDOS] => Flichy Fernández [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Máster en Cirugía Oral e Implantología. Práctica privada en Valencia. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [18] => Array ( [DNI] => uni45858 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => María de los Ángeles [APELLIDOS] => Fuster Torres [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Profesor/a Asociado de Universidad [NPI] => M5559 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => manfusto@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [19] => Array ( [DNI] => uni66416 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Jorge Mario [APELLIDOS] => Galante [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Alta Dirección. Universidad de Buenos Aires [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [20] => Array ( [DNI] => emp392752 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Pablo [APELLIDOS] => Galindo [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => 0 [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [21] => Array ( [DNI] => uni11067 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Abel [APELLIDOS] => García García [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor/a Titular de Universidad. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [22] => Array ( [DNI] => uni66885 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Berta [APELLIDOS] => García Mira [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Doctora en Odontología. Máster en Cirugía e Implantología Oral. Profesora Asociada Cirugía Bucal. Universitat de València. Vocal de la SECIB. [NPI] => M6056 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => garmiber@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [23] => Array ( [DNI] => uni44343 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Cosme [APELLIDOS] => Gay-Escoda [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Especialista en Cirugía Maxilofacial. Catedrático de Patología Quirúrgica Bucal y Maxilofacial. Director del Máster de Cirugía Bucal e Implantología Bucofacial de la Universidad de Barcelona. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [24] => Array ( [DNI] => uni54927 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Paula María [APELLIDOS] => Girbés Ballester [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Profesor/a Asociado de Universidad [NPI] => N7776 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => paumagir@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [25] => Array ( [DNI] => emp110668 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Juan Bautista [APELLIDOS] => Guarinos Carbo [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Especialista en Estomatología. Prof. Máster en Cirugía Oral. Universitat de València. Práctica Privada. Valencia [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [26] => Array ( [DNI] => uni2021 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Carlos [APELLIDOS] => Labaig Rueda [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Profesor/a Titular de Universidad [NPI] => H0482 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => labaig@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [27] => Array ( [DNI] => uni66426 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Juan [APELLIDOS] => López Quiles [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor Contaratdo Doctor Universidad Complutense de Madrid [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [28] => Array ( [DNI] => uni66341 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Benjamín [APELLIDOS] => Martín Biedma [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor Titular [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [29] => Array ( [DNI] => uni71389 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Cristina [APELLIDOS] => Martínez Ramos [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Universitat Jaume I [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [30] => Array ( [DNI] => uni23151 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Vicente [APELLIDOS] => Martínez Sanjuan [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Especialista en Radiología. Jefe Unidad de TC y Resonancia. Hospital General Universitario de Valencia. Profesor Asociado de Radiología y Protección Radiológica. Universitat de València. [NPI] => M9116 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => vimarsan@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [31] => Array ( [DNI] => uni55099 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Luis Antonio [APELLIDOS] => Martorell Calatayud [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Profesor/a Asociado de Universidad [NPI] => N7771 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => marluis4@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [32] => Array ( [DNI] => emp376844 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Paulo Fernando [APELLIDOS] => Mesquita Carvalho [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Coordinador científico [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [33] => Array ( [DNI] => uni66404 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Jason [APELLIDOS] => Motta Jones [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Adjunto. Humanitas University [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [34] => Array ( [DNI] => emp137760 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Ana [APELLIDOS] => Orozco Varo [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Licenciada en Odontología. Experta en Prótesis sobre Implantes. Profesora Asociado de Prótesis Estomatológica. Universidad de Sevilla [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [35] => Array ( [DNI] => emp91902 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => José Gabriel [APELLIDOS] => Ortolá Dinnbier [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Abogado Titular. Despacho José Gabriel Ortolá Dinnbier [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [36] => Array ( [DNI] => emp368753 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Jesús [APELLIDOS] => Pato Moruelo [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [37] => Array ( [DNI] => emp368190 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Pablo [APELLIDOS] => Pavon Fraile [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [38] => Array ( [DNI] => emp59426 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Hilario [APELLIDOS] => Pellicer Chover [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Odontólogo. Licenciatura en Odontología [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [39] => Array ( [DNI] => uni15178 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => José Miguel [APELLIDOS] => Peñarrocha Diago [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Bucal. Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Especialista en Estomatología y en Neurología. Catedrático de Cirugía Bucal. Universitat de València [NPI] => G5118 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => penarroc@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [40] => Array ( [DNI] => uni31354 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => María [APELLIDOS] => Peñarrocha Diago [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Doctora en Medicina y Cirugía. Doctora en Odontología. Máster en Cirugía e Implantología Oral. Profesora Titular de Cirugía Bucal.. Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [NPI] => H4290 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => mpenarro@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [41] => Array ( [DNI] => uni68483 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => David [APELLIDOS] => Peñarrocha Oltra [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Profesor/a Titular de Universidad [NPI] => M0278 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => david.penarrocha@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [42] => Array ( [DNI] => uni44044 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Adriano [APELLIDOS] => Piattelli [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => University of Chieti-Pescara [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [43] => Array ( [DNI] => emp367773 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Carmen [APELLIDOS] => Pomares Puig [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Directora - Gerente. Carmen Pomares Puig (Clínica PerioImplant) [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [44] => Array ( [DNI] => emp376818 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Julio [APELLIDOS] => Pouso Rey [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Centro de Diagnostico Avanzado CD3 Cambados [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [45] => Array ( [DNI] => emp376773 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Arthur [APELLIDOS] => Rodríguez González Cortés [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Cirujano clínica privada. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [46] => Array ( [DNI] => emp138498 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Primitivo [APELLIDOS] => Roig Jornet [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Licenciado en Odontología. Director del Diploma de postgrado en Dirección Clínica y Gestión Odontológica. Práctica privada. Valencia. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [47] => Array ( [DNI] => emp367748 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Fernando [APELLIDOS] => Rojas Vizcaya [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Doctor en Odontología. Máster en Cirugía e Implantes por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Profesor de Prostodoncia del Universidad de Carolina del Norte Chapell Hill, en Estados Unidos. Director del Instituto Mediterráneo de Prostodoncia. Castellón. España. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [48] => Array ( [DNI] => uni74366 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Francisco Javier [APELLIDOS] => Romero Millán [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Profesor/a Asociado de Universidad [NPI] => U1618 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => romifran@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [49] => Array ( [DNI] => emp376735 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Roberto [APELLIDOS] => Rotundo [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor de Periodoncia. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [50] => Array ( [DNI] => uni2011 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Eduardo José [APELLIDOS] => Selva Otaolaurruchi [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Profesor/a Titular de Universidad [NPI] => H0470 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => eselva@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [51] => Array ( [DNI] => emp137753 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Pedro Jesús [APELLIDOS] => Serrano Sánchez [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Licenciado en Odontología. Práctica privada. Málaga [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [52] => Array ( [DNI] => emp46817 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Javier [APELLIDOS] => Silvestre Rangil [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Odontólogo. Licenciatura en Odontología [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [53] => Array ( [DNI] => uni72568 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Javier [APELLIDOS] => Silvestre Rangil [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Contratado/a Doctor/a [NPI] => M1561 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => silranja@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [54] => Array ( [DNI] => emp376731 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => David Reynaldo [APELLIDOS] => Soto Peñaloza [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Doctor en Odontología. Máster en Ciencias Odontológicas. Universitat de València [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [55] => Array ( [DNI] => emp408218 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Jose Carlos [APELLIDOS] => Suarez Moran [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [56] => Array ( [DNI] => uni66415 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Julio José [APELLIDOS] => Suay Antón [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Catedrático del Departamento de Diseño de Sistemas Industriales [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [57] => Array ( [DNI] => emp141888 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Francisco José [APELLIDOS] => Teixeira Barbosa [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Doctor en Odontología [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [58] => Array ( [DNI] => uni66340 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Daniel [APELLIDOS] => Torres Lagares [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Co-Director del Máster de Cirugía Bucal. Universidad de Sevilla [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [59] => Array ( [DNI] => uni53223 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Leonardo [APELLIDOS] => Trombelli [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor/a. Università Degli Studi di FERRARA [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [60] => Array ( [DNI] => uni66360 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Agurne [APELLIDOS] => Uribarri Etxebarria [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor/a. Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [61] => Array ( [DNI] => uni11071 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Eduardo [APELLIDOS] => Valmaseda Castellón [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Especialista en Estomatología. Director del Máster de Cirugía Bucal e Implantología Bucofacial. Profesor Titular de Cirugía Bucal. Universidad de Barcelona. [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [62] => Array ( [DNI] => uni11070 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Eugenio [APELLIDOS] => Velasco Ortega [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor/a Titular de Universidad. Universidad de Sevilla [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [63] => Array ( [DNI] => uni11031 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Eugenio [APELLIDOS] => Velasco Ortega [PDI] => 3 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Profesor/a Titular de Universidad. Universidad de Sevilla [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [64] => Array ( [DNI] => uni63863 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => José [APELLIDOS] => Viña Almunia [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Profesor/a Asociado de Universidad [NPI] => M0355 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => almunia@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) ) [direccio] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [DNI] => uni15178 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => José Miguel [APELLIDOS] => Peñarrocha Diago [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Bucal. Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Especialista en Estomatología y en Neurología. Catedrático de Cirugía Bucal. Universitat de València [NPI] => G5118 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => penarroc@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [DNI] => uni31354 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => María [APELLIDOS] => Peñarrocha Diago [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Doctora en Medicina y Cirugía. Doctora en Odontología. Máster en Cirugía e Implantología Oral. Profesora Titular de Cirugía Bucal.. Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València [NPI] => H4290 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => mpenarro@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) ) ) )

International Blended Master's' Degree in Implantology and Oral Surgery


Oral Surgery
Oral implantology
Master's Thesis

Solicita información

Responsable: Universitat de València. Edifici del Rectorat. Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 13. 46010-València.
Delegado de Protección de Datos: D. Javier Plaza Penadés lopd@uv.es
Finalidad: Enviar información relevante de cursos de postgrado.
Se obtienen perfiles al objeto de personalizar el trato conforme a sus características o necesidades y poder así dirigirle las novedades más convenientes.
Legitimación: Para el envío de información acerca de los Títulos Propios de la Universidad de València la base de legitimación es el consentimiento del interesado.
Destinatarios: Fundació Universitat-Empresa de Valéncia y Universitat de València.
Plazo: Los datos del Usuario serán conservados hasta que solicite su baja, se oponga o revoque su consentimiento.
Derechos: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos así como otros derechos como se explica en la información adicional.
Amplíe información: www.adeituv.es/politica-de-privacidad.

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