1a Edició - Codi 23717070

Microcredenciales FSE
Array ( [CODIGO] => 23717070 [EDICION] => 1 [SITUACION] => Aprobado [SITUACION_BIS] => Finalizado [MATRICULA] => 150 [MATRICULA_2] => 0 [MATRICULA_3] => 0 [HORAS] => 2.00 [FECHA_INICIO] => 15/03/24 [FECHA_FIN] => 16/05/24 [LUGAR] => Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, Facultad de Medicina [NOMBRE_EMPRESA_ORGANIZADOR] => 0 [FECHA_FIN_PREINSCRIPCION] => 01/03/24 [AREA] => 7 [NOMBRE_EMPRESA_PATROCINADO] => [NOMBRE_EMPRESA_COLABORADOR] => [OBSERVACIONES_PREINSCRIPCION] => [TIPO_DOCENCIA] => Presencial [TIPO_DOCENCIA_1] => 1 [TIPO_DOCENCIA_2] => Presencial [AULA_VIRTUAL_ADEIT] => 0 [TIPO_CURSO] => Postgrado [TIPO_CURSO_1] => Programa de Formació [DIRECCION_URL] => [AÑO_CURSO] => 35 [URL_VIDEO] => [URL_FACEBOOK] => [URL_TWITTER] => [META_TITLE] => [META_DESCRIPTION] => [META_KEYWORDS] => [DIRECCION_CURSO_CORTO] => cytometry-cytodiagnostics [GESTOR_NOMBRE] => María [GESTOR_APELLIDOS] => Palau Montoro [GESTOR_EMAIL] => maria.palau@fundacions.uv.es [ADMINISTRATIVO_NOMBRE] => Ángeles [ADMINISTRATIVO_APELLIDOS] => Ferrandiz Santillana [ADMINISTRATIVO_EMAIL] => angeles.ferrandiz@fundacions.uv.es [ES_INTERNO] => 1 [EMAIL_EXTERNO] => informacion@adeituv.es [PREINSCRIPCION_WEB] => 0 [URL_AULA_VIRTUAL] => [OFERTADO_OTRO] => 0 [ID_CURSO_OFERTADO] => 0 [DESCRIPCION_OFERTADO] => [TELEFONO_EXTERNO] => 96 160 3000 [MATRICULA_PDTE_APROBACION] => 0 [ID_IDIOMA] => 25 [PUBLICAR_WEB] => 1 [area_curs] => Àrea de Salut [NOMBRE_CURSO] => Microcredencial en Flow Cytometry for Pathology and Cytodiagnostics [TITULACION] => Microcredencial Universitari [HORARIO] => Tuesday and Thursday from 10.00 to 12.00 hours [REQUISITOS_TITULACION] => Students or Graduated in the Superior Degree in Anatomical Pathology and Cytodiagnostics [REQUISITOS_OTROS] => [ARG_VENTA] => he microcredential aims to provide students of the Higher Degree Cycle in Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis, complementary theoretical-practical training in Flow cytometry. The microcredential is designed to provide knowledge and skills in relation to the technical basis of cytometry, the preparation of different types of clinical samples and experimental, the correct handling of flow cytometers, the design and application of analysis procedures, data management and interpretation of results. [ARG_VENTA2] => [AÑO_CURSO_DESC] => Curs 2023/2024 [MODALIDAD_EVALUACION] => [MODALIDAD_EVALUACION2] => [OBSERVACION_MATRICULA_1] => [OBSERVACION_MATRICULA_2] => [OBSERVACION_MATRICULA_3] => [SALIDA_PROFESIONAL] => Using Flow Cytometry instruments and programs in the area of Pathology and Cytodiagnostics [CRITERIO_ADMISION] => [CRITERIO_ADMISION2] => [CRITERIO_ADMISION3] => [FORMACION_APRENDIZAJE] => [FORMACION_APRENDIZAJE2] => [FORMACION_APRENDIZAJE3] => [ANO_CURSO_DESC] => Curs 2023/2024 [programa] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [CODIGO_CURSO] => 23717070 [AÑO_CURSO] => 35 [CODIGO] => 1 [NOMBRE_MATERIA] => Flow Cytometry in Pathology and Cytodiagnostics [NOMBRE_MATERIA_VAL] => Flow Cytometry in Pathology and Cytodiagnostics [DESCRIPCION] => programa || programa2 || programa3 [DESCRIPCION1] => Descriptors 1. Fundamentals of Flow Cytometry 2. Basic and clinical applications of Flow Cytometry 3. Preanalytical phase: Sample preparation and reagent selection 4. Analytical Phase: Procedures and Data Management 5. Applications of Cytometry in Genetics and Molecular Biology 6. Applications of Cytometry in Cytology 7. Applications of Cytometry in Pathophysiology and Forensic Medicine 8. Flow Cytometry on the Internet: Training and business resources. 9. Practice 1: Use, adjustment, quality control and cleaning of the CytoFlex cytometer and the BioRad S3 cell separator 10. Practice 2: Use, adjustment, quality control and cleaning of the Gallios and FACSVerse cytometers 11. Practice 3: Cell cycle cytometry 12. Practice 4: Cytometry of samples from biological liquids 13. Practice 5: Flow cytometry of samples from solid tissues 14. Practice 6: Flow cytometry and cell separation of samples from cell cultures 15. Practice 7: Learning flow cytometry data analysis software 16. Practice 8: Integration of results and discussion of practical cases [DESCRIPCION2] => [DESCRIPCION3] => [DESCRIPCION1_VAL] => Descriptors 1. Fundamentals of Flow Cytometry 2. Basic and clinical applications of Flow Cytometry 3. Preanalytical phase: Sample preparation and reagent selection 4. Analytical Phase: Procedures and Data Management 5. Applications of Cytometry in Genetics and Molecular Biology 6. Applications of Cytometry in Cytology 7. Applications of Cytometry in Pathophysiology and Forensic Medicine 8. Flow Cytometry on the Internet: Training and business resources. 9. Practice 1: Use, adjustment, quality control and cleaning of the CytoFlex cytometer and the BioRad S3 cell separator 10. Practice 2: Use, adjustment, quality control and cleaning of the Gallios and FACSVerse cytometers 11. Practice 3: Cell cycle cytometry 12. Practice 4: Cytometry of samples from biological liquids 13. Practice 5: Flow cytometry of samples from solid tissues 14. Practice 6: Flow cytometry and cell separation of samples from cell cultures 15. Practice 7: Learning flow cytometry data analysis software 16. Practice 8: Integration of results and discussion of practical cases [DESCRIPCION2_VAL] => [DESCRIPCION3_VAL] => [ORDEN] => 1 ) ) [professors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [DNI] => emp59901 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Guadalupe [APELLIDOS] => Herrera Martín [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Investigadora. Fundación de la C.V. Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [1] => Array ( [DNI] => emp37864 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => Alicia [APELLIDOS] => Martínez Romero [PDI] => 4 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_FACULTAD] => [NPI] => [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => [CARGO_EMPRESA] => Responsable del Servicio de Citometría - Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana - Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe Valencia [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) [2] => Array ( [DNI] => uni29506 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => José Enrique [APELLIDOS] => O'Connor Blasco [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament de Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Catedrático/a de Universidad [NPI] => G9280 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => Jose.E.Oconnor@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) ) [direccio] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [DNI] => uni29506 [NOMBRE_PERSONA] => José Enrique [APELLIDOS] => O'Connor Blasco [PDI] => 1 [DEPARTAMENTO_FACULTAD] => Departament de Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular. Universitat de València [CARGO_FACULTAD] => Catedrático/a de Universidad [NPI] => G9280 [EMAIL_FACULTAD] => Jose.E.Oconnor@uv.es [CARGO_EMPRESA] => [DIRECCION_URL_POSTGRADO] => [URL_LINKEDIN_POSTGRADO] => ) ) ) )


Herrera Martín, Guadalupe
Investigadora. Fundación de la C.V. Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe
Martínez Romero, Alicia
Responsable del Servicio de Citometría - Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana - Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe Valencia
O'Connor Blasco, José Enrique
Catedrático/a de Universidad. Departament de Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular. Universitat de València

Solicita información

Responsable: Universitat de València. Edifici del Rectorat. Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 13. 46010-València.
Delegat de Protecció de Dades: D. Javier Plaza Penadés lopd@uv.es
Finalitat: Enviar informació rellevant de cursos de postgrau.
S'obtenen perfils a fi de personalitzar el tracte conforme a les seves característiques o necessitats i poder així dirigir-li les novetats més convenients.
Legitimació: Per a l'enviament d'informació sobre els títols propis de la Universitat de València la base de legitimació és el consentiment de l'interessat.
Destinataris: Fundació Universitat-Empresa de Valéncia and Universitat de València
Termini: Les dades de l'Usuari seran conservats fins que sol·liciti la seva baixa, s'oposi o revoqui el seu consentiment.
Drets: Accedir, rectificar i suprimir les dades així com altres drets com s'explica a la informació addicional.
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